Jul 13, 2020

Following upon their contingency plan, EMINENT consortium celebrated from Monday 6th July to Friday 10th July, their 2nd Masterclass and Tutorial Meetings on Internal Quality Assurance System conceptualization, led by the University of Alicante.  

Counting upon the participation of their Vice rectorate of Quality Assurance, the University of Alicante recorded a Masterclass, delving into the complexity of formulating Quality Assurance policy at internal level and articulating the adequate mechanisms and tools to ensure the achievement of quality on Higher Education services provision. This lecture drew upon the institutional and personal experiences of the University of Alicante in creating and developing their own Quality Assurance system throughout the last decades, integrating into the Bologna Process and meeting the standards set within the European Higher Education Area.

EMINENT UA-tutorial

Afterwards, Haitian partners worked throughout the week on applying this knowledge to their context by formulating their own Quality Assurance policy at Faculty level, contributing to deliver D4.2.1. IQAS design. As such, the tutorial meetings on Friday 10th July provided and space for UA experts to discuss with each Haitian institution the content of their policies and solve doubts about the content of the Masterclass.


EMINENT continues mitigating the disruption generated by the COVID-19 global pandemic, carrying forward with capacity building actions online. This Online Training comes in substitution of D3.3.1. Train of Trainers (Module IV) which was supposed to be held in March 2020, facilitating than Haitian partners advance further on knowledge transfer and experience adaptation on Quality Assurance within Higher Education system during these uncertain times. It makes use of the Livestorm webinar platform which allows for sharing prerecorded material and interactive meetings between trainers and trainees, navigating connection difficulties and language barriers.

EMINENT UA- Tutorial 2

EMINENT online training will continue during the upcoming weeks of July. Next session will be delivered by the University College of Cork: Masterclass will be ready for viewing on 14th July and tutorial meetings session will be held on 17th July.